A special gift
Our dear friend, Kristen Snyder, took care of Mckenna and Selah from the moment we left for the hospital till we got home. She has served our family in countless ways this past year...and we just LOVE her! For those who do not know her, she is an amazing, gifted photographer. When we got home from the hospital, she was ready, camera in hand and starting snapping away. Next thing I know she was sitting in our living room, with my laptop, her camera, my camera, and our video camera. We were busy with the girls, I was feeding the baby, and there was much activity going on. So, I didn't realize what Kristen was up to, till she showed me the following masterpiece. In all of but an hour, she threw this together. I teared up when I saw it and will treasure this always.
Miss Adelyn Alivia Castro Comes Home from Heather Castro on Vimeo.
Welcome Home, Adelyn!
We arrived home yesterday from the hospital. It's so good to be home with our newest little baby girl. What an incredible gift she is. The past few days have been filled with many emotions. I cried when she came out as could not believe the Lord had blessed me with this precious gift...and I cried when I brought her home and looked at our wall of pictures, remembering Alivia. I spent most of yesterday just sitting around taking in the precious sights of Mckenna and Selah enjoying their precious little sister. And when they were not holding her, I could not put her down. All I want to do is just hold her, cuddle and kiss her. I am probably enjoying her more than any other baby, as I have a profound awareness of the gift of life that this little one is.
There is so much more to say and share, stories to tell, but I'll close with these pictures (thank you, Kristen) and promise to post more later...

Adelyn Alivia Castro
11:33am, Friday morning
4.5 hrs of labor!!

I think this is it...getting ready to head out soon to the doctor's office to get checked.
Read more...Baby update
Back to the doctors I went today for (hopefully) my last check up. I am now between 3-4 cm dilated and he said the head is so very low. Not sure I can get much farther along than this and not be in full blown labor. So, hoping that it's soon....very soon!
Read more...39 weeks...
and 2 days! I went to my doctor's appointment last Thursday to find out I'm almost 3 cm dilated, 60% effaced and baby girl is in position -1. I had to have a friend who is a nurse explain all that to me...I understand the dilation, but it was helpful to understand everything else. Basically, she is ready and it could be any day now (any minute!). We're just waiting around!
Happy Birthday, Dave!
I'm a day late, I know. It was actually yesterday. But wanted to honor my wonderful husband nonetheless.
We had a very low key day yesterday, which was so nice. Everyone slept in and we woke up and showered Daddy with cards and a few gifts. After that we had a leisurely breakfast of good 'ole oatmeal with blueberries (actually Selah's favorite...she convinced Dave that's what he wanted to have, saying it will make him big and strong :).
One of Dave's gifts was a Wii game. He recently purchased a used Wii set off of a friend and has already enjoyed playing with the girls. So, they spent some time downstairs playing.
Later in the morning, my mom came and brought Dave a gift and then picked Mckenna up for her "birthday date with Nani." Every grandkid gets a special date with Nani around the time of their birthday. She takes them to a toy store, lets them pick out a gift and then they get to go and spend the night at her house. So, for the rest of the day it was just Selah, Dave and I. Actually, Dave ended up going to a wedding midday. His sister's best friend, Crystal Williams, got married and he was able to be there for it.
Later in the evening, the 3 of us went out to Golf Galaxy. Dave has had a gift card to this store for about 2 years and had yet to use it. He had a great time talking with a salesman, trying out different golf clubs and ultimately purchasing a new "used" set. It was fun to watch - he was like a little kid in a candy store! And he commented that it was the highlight of his day. So glad he got to do that. Afterwards, we went and grabbed some dinner at La Madeleine's.
Tonight we had dinner with our neighbor's, the Reynolds, and celebrated once again with a cake and candles and sang to Dave (a birthday is not complete without cake and candles!).
So that, in a nutshell, was Dave's birthday weekend. It was a treat to have his birthday fall on a weekend so we could spend it with him!
Dave, it is such an honor and privilege for me to be your wife. This past year has, in so many ways, been a test of your faith and leadership of your family. You have born the challenges well and I have seen you grow leaps and bounds. In my struggles, you have come alongside me and gently loved and cared for me. You have preferred my interests above your own and served me in countless ways. You continue to be a strong pillar for me to lean on when I'm weak and a shoulder to cry on when I'm grieving and sad. I cannot imagine having walked through this past year without you by my side. As to being a father, you excel. I love listening to you talk to our girls, play with them and take time to instruct them in God's ways. How they love their Daddy... and I love you more today than ever! Happy Birthday!
Almost 39 weeks....
and waiting! As of today actually 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant! This week has been a much needed relaxing one. I am actually very content right now and comfortable to wait another week until meeting our next little girl. I am fighting a bad cold and would like to get over this before going into labor. In fact, for the first time ever I am really not looking forward to labor, recovery, etc. I just don't feel ready and physically up for it. BUT what I am looking forward to is holding this precious little one and kissing her sweet face. And trying to focus on that instead.
All in all, I have been so grateful for this week, which has been so low key for me. I can't remember the last time my days were not filled to the brim and my to-do list overflowing with more than I could do. This week has definitely been a gift from the Lord. There is always more to do, but I am grateful for all the Lord has enabled me to do this fall to get ready for this little one to come.
I go in today for a doctor's appointment, so will see how things are progressing. As of last week, it looks like we will be having another peanut...she was showing up to be only about 5 1/2 lbs so far.
The below picture was taken the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Kelly was not too thrilled about it, but I made her pose with me...wanted to capture our big bellies one more time together. Glad I did...the next day, Kelly delivered! So, glad we have it. Kel is on the left and I'm on the right.
Life and death, sorrow and rejoicing
My posts seem to be a combination of events and updates lately, as life continues to be extremely full...the fullest that I can ever remember in my life. The past few weeks have, once again, been filled with many varied emotions. Right before Thanksgiving the Plunneckes lost Mark's father to a brief battle with Leukemia. It has been a challenging few months for them and they have again fought for faith amidst death and suffering. We have grieved with them and the day we got word that he passed was an emotional one for me. This life is hard and the Lord has continued to teach me, through the continued various trials, where our real home is and hope lies.
Right after this, Thanksgiving came. We hosted 2 Thanksgiving dinners here in our home. One for Dave's family on Thanksgiving day and one for my family the Saturday after. Then on Sunday we got our Christmas trees! Monday my dad and step-mom left. That afternoon, Kelly went into a very quick labor and delivered their 4th son after about 2 hours of labor.
Wyatt Haddon Plunnecke was born at 4:49pm and weighed in at 7 lbs, 2 oz. I never made it to the hospital in time, but arrived just after his arrival. He's another cutie and reminds me a little of Ty. So, this week we, once again, got to have some of the Ploon kids stay with us as they eagerly awaited to meet their new little brother, which they did today. I was able to get my old, dying computer up and running with just enough time to post these pictures. It should be crashing again any moment, so I'm hurrying :). But here is sweet Wyatt...

Mckenna, how I love you, sweet one! You continue to bring so much joy to my heart and have been a constant source of encouragement and comfort this past year. Thanks for all the hugs, kisses and reminders of God's love and comfort, amidst life's continued waves of trials. I love the way you remember our little Alivia and have such a solid faith of heaven and her safe residence with our Savior. Happy Birthday, big girl! Read more...