About Me
I am Heather, wife to an amazing husband, Dave, and mom to 5 wonderful girlies - Mckenna (8), Selah Grace (5), Alivia (our glory baby, now in heaven. We lost her in Nov. 2008, when she was 5 weeks old), Adelyn Alivia (2), and Hailey Hope, born September 21, 2011. I live for the purpose of bringing glory to my Savior, yet now have one foot in heaven as I eagerly await the day when I'll see my baby girl and when, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore..." Rev. 21:4
There is nothing special about me...I am just an ordinary wife and mom, doing the same thing day in and day out. My life is ordinary, my skills are ordinary, but I know an extraordinary Savior, who has forever changed my life through His death and resurrection.