The goodness of God
Today was an anxious filled, tough day for me. My soul felt very downcast. I feel like so many of my days I'm just going through the motions, blocking reality out....but then there are also many days when that reality hits hard. And those days leave me exhausted, weary, feeling hopeless, often restless, impatient with the girls, and wanting to give up.
Then, midday a few friends sent emails. It had been awhile since I had received anything from others. They were just another reminder that the Lord knows what I need, when I need it and that He is committed to providing for all that my soul needs.
Debbie P. sent the following quote. I love the simple truth that every baby step I take, every day that I don't give up testifies to God's goodness. Every night, when I lay my head on my pillow, I can be aware of the countless evidences of the preciousness of Christ.
"All experiences of suffering in the path of Christian obedience, whether from persecution or sickness or accident, have this in common: They all threaten our faith in the goodness of God and tempt us to leave the path of obedience. Therefore, every triumph of faith and all perseverance in obedience are testimonies to the goodness of God and the preciousness of Christ...." --Desiring God by John Piper