More profitable

During this challenging season the Lord has brought a few new people to us who have served and cared for us, and in turn, have become dear friends. One of these friends sent me an email today which really blessed me. She is walking through a trial of her own and shared some things the Lord is teaching her. It was good truth for me...I love what she wrote and am including a portion of her email...

"I see how God is using this. One of the best things I've read since all this was in Trusting God where Jerry Bridges talks about 'trials making scripture more profitable for us.' I loved that! Scripture isn't more true, just more profitable. When you are reading Psalms, Job, and Romans and actually crying and actually begging for help and actually feeling heartbroken, well, it makes the Bible more amazing which ultimately makes God crazy AMAZING!...

I was reading in John 20, and there was a part I wanted to share with you. It's when the disciples were locked in a room, crippled with fear, and the resurrected Jesus came in and simply said 'Peace be with you.' Of all the things He could have said, He chose to say
'Peace.' And I just picture you on those particularly hard days and nights, where you are not locked in a room for fear, but stuck in your bed in grief - and Jesus bursting forth in all His glory, just telling you 'Peace.'

I keep praying that peace will flood you. That peace will overwhelm you. That peace will come in waves upon waves, and hit you harder and harder. There is nothing I can do to help you feel better, or be at more peace - but I KNOW God can! And because of Jesus' sacrifice, you are able to experience peace! What joy!"

I love that as well - "Scripture isn't more true, just more profitable." It is so true!

eva  – (11:42 AM)  

Hi Heather! Praying for you today. So thankful the Lord is using his word to comfort and strengthen you! Thank you again for sharing all that the Lord is doing. Love,

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