For the past number of days, I have been thinking much about the word, "hope." That word means so much to me and I should probably study it more as it has already brought comfort and help to me, a grieving parent. I first started to think on it when I found out, through her blog, that Helen had bought a Christmas ornament with the word "hope" on it because of all that word meant for her this past year...a very trying year.
Then, last night I got the following email from a friend who has also lost a child. She mentioned that the Lord laid Dave and I on her heart the previous night as she was in bed...and she prayed for us. It was that very night, and perhaps that moment, that I was crying as I laid in bed, remembering my little girl, missing holding her and hearing her breath against my chest as she would sleep. But I am convinced that it was the fruit of Kriscinda's prayers that I was able to fall asleep that night. Thank you, friend! Thanks for encouraging me to continue to hope. Thanks also for wanting to get pink crocs for you and CC. That blessed me!
Here is her email to me:
Dear Heather
You are often in my thoughts. As I think of my Mikes, I can't help but think of Chase and your Alivia and of course their mommies. I day dream of the wonderful sights they behold and the joy they must experience each moment. Luke bought girlie and I fuzzy pink crocs! We love them. CC calls them her fancy crocs!
~Last night as I was laying in bed I was praying for you and Dave. Praying for comfort and strength for the days.
As I have been thinking of you guys , the thought keeps coming to me, Hold on to Hope. I am sure your heart at many moments feels as if it can't carry on and probably at times there is little desire to do so. At least that has been for me. The journey isn't an easy one - there is still much to be learned, a long road to travel. Yet God in his goodness and kindness has not only kept our hearts but brought them to a pleasant place. I know this may be hard to see now in the midst of such pain and loss yet I am confident in time you to with say with the Psalmist " The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance." Ps 16:5-6- In the midst of your sorrow I know your Saviour is greater and he will grow greater each day as he holds you close. I hope this thought hasn't brought more trouble to your heart. May God hold you close, until that wonderful day! Hold on to Hope, friend, hold onto Hope.
Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning Ps 30:5
~Hope for Heaven and Home~
All our Love and many Prayers!
Kriscinda Davis
"Hope" is the one word that I have prayed so often for you these past months, Heather.
Thank you for bringing us into your world and allowing us to walk with you through this season, for modeling what it looks like to hope in our Savior in the midst of intense suffering. I am so grateful for you.