
On Christmas night, as we were packing up to leave my mom's house, my sister handed me a card. When I got in the car I read it...

I should back up and mention that we chose Alivia's first name simply because we just liked it. Her middle name is after my mom and I had looked forward to one day telling my girl all about the incredible woman she was named after. I'm sure the Lord is doing that right now.

Then on her first week check-up her doctor asked me what her name meant. I told him we had not even looked it up yet, to my shame. I was even surprised myself that I had not found that out yet. And up until Christmas day, I still had not.

So, I get the following note from my sister:

I am not always sure what serves you and am learning to ask. However, it hit me this morning that I did not check with you about today and if it would help to do anything to remember Alivia. So in my QT, as this all came up in my thoughts I began to feel bad - then a thought "popped" in my mind to do something I had not done before. I ran downstairs to do a search on what Alivia's name means. You may already know this. Her name means peace. For me I find today, of all days, the best to learn this. Since we celebrate the One who came to lay down his life that we might have peace with Him.

Your little girl's life directs my eyes and that of countless others to the Prince of Peace who came to seek and save us. And now each time I say her name I know in my heart it proclaims it as well.

Love you,

As I went to bed that night, facing fears and carrying a heavy heart, I prayed for peace in my heart and mind. And that the Lord would use the life of my daughter to further peace in my life. It's also my prayer that her life will also be used to bring others, who don't know our Savior, into a knowledge of, as my sister said, "the Prince of Peace who came to seek and save us."

javligns  – (9:56 PM)  

You are an amazing person. There is not one day that goes by that I don't think about your family and Alivia. She is a beautiful child, and you are a phenomenal mother.

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