Mark and Kel
Also affectionately known to many as the Ploons, I get the tremendous privilege to know them as my sister and brother-in-law. They have walked this hard road with us from the very beginning and have been by our side every step of the way. Much of how they serve is done behind the scenes for few to see. Being Kel's sister, I have a better idea of all the ways they serve and, particularly have served us, the past number of weeks. But I am also aware that I probably only know little...but for that I want to honor them. They are 2 of the greatest servants I know...and I don't say that lightly. I honestly feel like they have put their lives on hold for this season, so to effectively serve and care for us. And that's no easy thing to do with 4 kids of their own, being care group leaders, and having VERY busy schedules. Yet, they have.
Mark and Kelly were the first faces I saw when we arrived at the hospital that night that seems so long ago, yet also seems like yesterday. For the 2 weeks following, my sister arranged babysitters for all her kids, many of those days so she could be with us. In fact, for days she stayed at the Lees overnight to serve us. She cared for Mckenna and Selah and helped arrange sitters for them and often put them to bed at night for us and got them ready in the morning. She also was behind the scenes arranging food, the work being done on our house, details for the memorial service and on and on I could go. She was sick in the midst of all this, exhausted, but you would never have known. Mark took off a whole week from work to serve, help care for their kiddos to free Kel up and be with us as well. I know I am forgetting tons...
Since arriving home, Mark and Kel have continued to amaze us by their care. Kelly stayed here for an number of days and nights after we arrived. She took my girls to the doctor when they were sick and was even sick herself (with strep!)...cared for her sick kids and still continued to serve us...She has cooked countless meals for us, cleaned my house, has come over numerous times, even if just to be here with me on hard days. I don't know how she does it, especially with all that is on her plate.
The thing I love about Kel is that she foresees things in advance, even often before I do - knows that evenings are hard, that Sundays can be challenging, that the 2nd and 26th of the month are very tough for me...she foresees and I find often shows up, offers to do something, or will just be with me. Sometimes it's not until after that I realize..."that's why she came or did that." Kelly is one of the most sensitive and caring people I know. Many times a week, she sends me emails with Scriptures and quotes...often saying something like, "I prayed through these verses for you today" and encouraging my heart with well-timed words. Something else I love about my sister is that she has always loved my girlies as if they were her own. And because of that, losing Alivia has been especially hard for her. I've seen it and I ache for her at times. She loved that little girl of mine and I think misses her just about as much as we do. And I know that all she is doing for us is just because she can't live any other way during this time - that's the amazing person my sister is!
Mark, is the backbone of my sister in so many ways. He has cared for Dave through conversations, taking him out to the shooting range, and even playing foosball with Dave. He has released my sister in so many ways and has sacrificed financially as well in more ways that we probably are aware.
Mark and Kel, I feel as if you guys define the word care. Thank you for being with us through this trial...thanks for bearing it with us. Thank you for all your offers to help, for being so incredibly selfless and sacrificial over the past number of weeks. Thank you for being so sensitive to how things affect us and for always asking questions when you are not sure what will or will not serve us. God has used you in countless ways to encourage my heart and reveal to me that He is real and good. You have been such a means of grace and provision to us. Thanks for missing our little girl with us, crying with us and longing for heaven with us. I know I can't adequately thank you both, but I do look forward to one day, when we are reunited with Alivia, hearing the Savior honor you in ways that I cannot. How I long for that day! Until then, my feeble efforts must do...and feeble they are because only the Lord knows how you have given, cared and served us. I'm so grateful. I love you both.
What a blessing to have a sister like Kelly! Mark and Kelly are truly AMAZING! Praying for all of you!