Picking Flowers
One of Mckenna's favorite things to do as of late is picking flowers. The common area behind our house is covered in clovers and whenever Mckenna goes out there she never fails to come back with a handful of them.
A month or so ago we were trying to grow a bean plant from an actual kidney bean. It was doing fairly well in the window, we had a stalk and green leaves forming. Well, I put it outside to get some sun and Mckenna went up and picked a good portion of the stalk right off. She just loves to pick all kinds of plants. Needless to say, it died. She is learning though and most often will ask now if she can pick flowers from our garden and when we are out about about. I love it! I so look forward to when she gets older and we can garden together!
Neighborhood kids picking Flowers
That was quite a big bouquet of clovers! My children love to pick them too! Unfortunately we have more clover than we do grass!
I have rediscovered the love of making clover necklaces and crowns, and Karis loves them!