Happy Birthday Selah!
Today is Selah's 1st birthday. It's hard to believe it's been a whole year since she was born. What a joy she has been to us. It was both a fun and full day. We had the whole family over around 3pm for cake, snacks and presents. Everyone took turns holding the birthday girl and all the kids ran around and played. Selah had just woken up from a nap so she was as happy as ever.Cake time was too funny! My dad brought a yummy cake for everyone and a separate cupcake just for little Gracie to devour. She quickly realized she did not like the feel of the icing, so decided to take another route to get it to her mouth...
After cake was presents. Little Selah received so many cute outfits, fun toys and even some much needed baby wash! Thanks everyone!
I couldn't conclude without mentioning the grand finale to the party. Keenan has had a loose front tooth for weeks now. It has driven everyone crazy because his new tooth is right behind it, literally pushing it straight out front. So, dad told him he would give him money to buy a new toy that he loves if he would let us pull it out. Dave's dad, is an old pro, yanked it right out, without Keenan even realizing what happened. We were all cheering!