Our Visit to Pop-Pops
Last week Dave had a business trip to CA, so the girls and I ventured down to my dads house. We had a great time, especially Mckenna as she was spoiled by Pop-pop and Grandma. She played in the little blow-up pool...played with the little "fishys" dad had...made pretend lemonade for us all...
went on walks and she collected all the rocks she could find...enjoyed being Pop-pops little shadow, following him everywhere...
eating as much fruit and snacks as she could put down...and above all, avoided OB (their cat) at all costs. She doesn't like that cat for some reason ;o). Thursday we came back and it was good to be home and see Dave, who also came home that evening. While we fended off the heat, he had enjoyed his 70 degree San Diego weather. As most of his business trips are to CA, no wonder he loves his job so much!