My girl's gifts

I'm so proud of my big girls this year and the gifts they gave.

This journey of growing in thankfulness, it's had a way of making me so aware of God's extraordinary blessings and that we lack nothing in this life. God has abundantly provided for our family.

So, I talked to the girls about the numerous people around the world who do lack. Some in ways that we have never experienced and can't imagine. We talked to them about giving this year. It would be a sacrifice for them. It meant we would not give them any big gifts. They both wanted to do it.

I created a book for each of them to tangibly see what they gave to. We wrapped them up and gave it to them last Saturday, when we celebrated our Christmas here. They were not expecting anything, but we did give them some stocking gifts. While I don't think they fully understand what we did, I hope this book will remind them and help them to desire this heart more with each coming year.

christy  – (7:37 PM)  

Great idea, heather--the book especially!

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