Restored through thanksgiving, week 4
This past week was an emotional one. Not only did it contain November 2, but other circumstances revealed how fickle my heart is. When things don't go as I think they should, it reveals where my hope lies. Too often it's not in the Lord. Uncertainties, unknown future, things let go of perhaps to never have again, waning faith. My heart felt crushed a number of days last week.
So I stopped one morning. I read. I prayed. I thought. I thanked God. He met me. There it is again and I'm finding it so often. My joy and my hope in the Lord is restored through thanksgiving. I trust again when I remember his faithfulness, thank him for how he's provided, protected, led and sheltered us.
One day I'm gasping for air, the air of faith. To believe that He's at work and leading us, when I have no idea of next month or 6 months from now. I'm miserable when I'm focusing on what I don't know.
The next day, I turn. I focus on what I do know. And I thank the Lord for those things.
*The Lord is my shepherd
*He is sovereign
*God is our provider
*He will lead us, He has led us
*Sunny warm day
*Ability to homeschool
I realize I don't need to know what I don't know. The Lord is my shepherd. He knows and that is enough for me.
I have peace once again.