Reminder from a hot shower, week 6

Last week was full of days that I didn't want to give thanks. I was tired. My hubby was traveling. I was tired of being housebound with 4 little ones, in my yoga pants for what seemed like days on end. I was impatient with the girls. My attitude was ugly. I still jotted things down in my journal I knew in my head I was grateful for, but my heart was not in it.

On Saturday I was in the shower and I was reminded how grateful I am of hot showers. And then I thought about how much of a blessing a shower is. Yes, a shower. I don't deserve a hot shower. I don't deserve all the countless things I have. My heart should be yearning to give thanks. But I don't. Instead, I run for things that I think will satisfy. A break. Shopping. Time alone. A drive in the country blasting music. Anything but listening to fussiness and crying and needs 24/7. But do they really satisfy? I've tried and, no, I'm left empty. Empty and then looking for the next thing that will give me joy. Again, empty. So, in the shower I was reminded of what the Lord showed me as I started this new journey. My satisfaction is completely in Him. You think I'd live in the good of this by now. But this summer the Lord brought my heart to a place of deeply understanding this. The times I'm most satisfied and content are when the focus is on above, not around me. Seems so simple. But not for this often proud, unthankful heart. There is One who rains down day after day grace and mercy. Provision for all needs and more. Generous gifts to bless. And when I see them, give thanks for them, am consumed with who He is and what He's given. JOY!

It's so simple. Yet I fail so often. Here, again, I pick up my pen and write.

*Selah feeling better
*Hailey's growing contentment
*a pound gained (for Hailey)
*grace to help us trust
*Jerry Bridges
*music that ministers
*beautiful weather
*hope of heaven
*hot showers
*the Lord leading us
*a day to get things done
*time to bake
*a daddy who loves his girls
*cranberries, so red
*my friend, Helen, who spurs me on
*a God who is sovereign and good
*the gift of giving

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