9 years!

Today Dave and I celebrate our 9th year anniversary. Hard to believe the years have gone by so fast. I think this is the first year we are apart for it (tears). He is on a business trip and I'm down at my dads with the girls. Not sure when we'll get to celebrate, but hoping in the next few weeks we can before this baby arrives.

Once again this year has been full of ups and downs. But there also has been, once again, the constant theme that God is faithful, sovereign and continually drawing us close through all the trials we walk through. We have seen God's goodness in our marriage and I'm so grateful for that.

The one thing I love about Dave is that he really does seek to grow in loving me, his family and pursuing his role as a godly husband and father. This year has not been easy on him. He's been working an incredibly demanding job of constant 12-15 hour days and almost weekly travel.

Dave, I love being your wife! And I'm grateful to God for you and for the ways you seek to provide, love and cherish your family. I'm missing you today. Happy Anniversary!

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