Please pray for Wyatt
My little nephew, Wyatt, is 5 weeks old today. And he is a cutie! But over the past couple of days he has gotten very sick and was admitted to Shady Grove hospital today. He was diagnosed RSV (respiratory "something" virus). It's common in children and the symptoms are simply that of a cold. But in infants it can be very serious. They have him on a nebulizer, oxygen and an IV. They will be monitoring him for 24 hours and looking for signs of improvement. If there are not any by tomorrow afternoon, they will run more tests and do some x-rays. Please pray that there is no bacterial infection settling in and that the treatments they have him on will help him begin to improve overnight. Please pray for healing.
Heather..we will pray. Mikey had RSV at 2 weeks and we were in and out of the hospital. Very stressful....for sure, in our prayers. If I can help in any way, let me know...this was an ongoing struggle with Mikey for many years.