Happy Birthday, Heather! (from Dave)
You are... well, my emotions are messing with my vocabulary right now and I may rattle off a bunch of flowery adjectives or just have a word-wreck and screech to a halt....
This past year, our seventh, has been the toughest, yet has brought us closer than ever. We have walked through the valley of the shadow of death and found that even there our Heavenly Father was with us. You have not stopped pursuing God with your whole heart, believing His words and promises and counting them precious to you. What a beautiful woman you are!
7 years with you have made me the wealthiest, happiest man I could be. We have seen highs and lows and have walked through all of it together. So grateful I get to have you by my side for the rest of my life!
What an amazing gift you've brought into our family Dave. What a precious sister, indeed!