BIG first day

Today was Mckenna's first day of school, in Kinder- garten. I absolutely can't believe that she is starting school. It's been an emotional few weeks for me, to say the least, as I've contemplated this. But she had a wonderful first day and keeps asking if she can back every day! She definitely loved it.

I'm very grateful for Covenant Life School and know that this is the place the Lord has her right now in this season. It's a blessing knowing she will be so well cared for and taught, particularly since I'm not sure how much I would be able to do after the baby comes, if I homeschooled her. I'm grateful knowing her education this year is being well taken care of by amazing people!

Ready to go...

"wait, mom, I need to fix my hair band..."

dash to the car, so we won't be late!

Walking in on her first big day, with Daddy and Selah.

In the I love my family.

Jerusha  – (1:49 PM)  

Oh- she looks so cute!

Cara  – (6:28 PM)  

Wow, look at your big girl! I hear that Mrs. Goodling is the greatest!

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