June 26

Nine months ago, at this very time of day, Alivia entered the world and was with us for five very precious and short weeks.

So many thoughts crowd my mind today, amidst the craziness of life in loving and caring for my other two precious girls. Life would have been even more full, I'm sure, if Alivia were still here. But I seek to trust in the goodness, sovereignty, and love of our Savior to help me through the extra quietness, less messiness, and deep ache in my heart that the lack of her presence brings.

How appropriate that this week, the pink impatients that my sister planted for me on Mother's Day weekend this year, started to bloom...reminders of my little one.

Today, Psalm 23 has been on my mind, as I have recounted all the mighty ways my Savior has lead me these past nine months and cared for my soul... "Surely His goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

ploon  – (3:53 PM)  

And we were wondering if they would ever bloom. How kind of the Lord to ordain those pink blossoms to appear this week. Missing her with you....

wayne's blog  – (7:21 AM)  

I often think of and pray for you all. May He continue to uphold you and give you strength for the journey.
With much affection,

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