Faithful friends

I have found it pretty amazing how the Lord has used others in our lives these past number of months. I have grown in my appreciation and affection for the body of Christ. There are a few particular friends who have been incredibly faithful to send me regular emails since the onset of this trial.

Esther, thanks for so regularly, even daily at times, sending me applicable and timely Scripture to feed my soul.
Kel, thanks for sending me Scripture that you are praying through for me...and for telling me that you are doing so.
Megan R., thanks for not just the quotes you have sent me, but for always faithfully posting truth on your own blog...the Lord has used it to greatly minister to me.
Kelly (Cooley), thank you for ALL of the emails you have and continue to send, telling me you are thinking of me and praying. Thanks for the quotes, Scriptures and words of care.
Charisa, thanks for the quotes and encouraging words.
Debbie P., thanks for remembering the difficult days.
Kristen S., thanks for your amazing, detailed, extensive emails that have communicated care beyond words.

Thank you, friends. Only the Lord knows how timely your emails and prayers have been. They remind me of the nearness of my Savior and of how amazing grace really is!

Today, Megan, sent this quote...

“Faith is His, unbelief ours.
No process of reasoning can soothe a mother’s empty, aching heart,
or bring Christ into it to fill up all that great waste room.
But faith can.
And faith is His gift; a gift to be won by prayer ---
Prayer persistent, patient, determined;
Prayer that will take no denial;
Prayer that if it goes away one day unsatisfied, keeps on saying,
‘Well, there’s tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow;
God may wait to be gracious, and I can wait to receive,
But receive I must and will!”...
This is all heart, not head work.
Do I know what I am talking about? Yes, I do.
But my intellect is of no use when my heart is breaking.
I must get down on my knees and own that I am less than nothing,
Seek God, not joy;
Consent to suffer, not cry for relief.
And how transcendently good He is when He brings me down to that low place
And there shows me that that self-renouncing, self-despairing spot
is just the one where He will stoop to meet me!”
Elizabeth Prentiss

Trav, thanks for the song!

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