Be still.
Today has been hard, perhaps even harder than yesterday. Dave even stayed home to help me. For that, I'm grateful. I came across this quote today on a friend's blog and it spoke to many of the thoughts racing in my head.
“My soul! Be still!
You are in the hands of your Covenant God.
Were all the strange circumstances in your history the result of accident, or chance,
you, might well be overwhelmed.
But 'all things,’ and this thing (be what it may) which may be now disquieting you, is one of these ‘all things’ that are so working mysteriously for your good.
Trust your God!
He will not deceive you — your interests are with Him in safe custody.
When sight says, ‘All these things are against me,'
let faith rebuke the hasty conclusion,
and say, ‘Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?’
How often does God hedge up your way with thorns, to elicit simple trust!
How seldom can we see all things so working for our good?
But it is better discipline to believe it.
Oh! For faith amid frowning providences, to say,
‘I know that Your judgments are good’ and, relying in the dark to exclaim,
‘Though He slays me, yet will I trust Him!’
Blessed Jesus! To You are committed the reigns of this universal empire.
The same hand that was once nailed to the Cross,
is now yielding the scepter on the throne…
How can I doubt the wisdom, and the faithfulness, and love,
of the most mysterious earthly dealing,
when I know that the Roll of Providence
is thus in the hands of Him who has given the
mightiest pledge Omnipotence could give
of His tender interest in my soul’s well-being,
by giving Himself for me?”
john macduff | the faithful promiser
Dear Heather,
My name is Lisa, a friend of Jonalee's. For 3 months I have silently read your blog never ceasing to be encouraged in my walk with the Savior. Your faith tested, your will unwavering, your love of family and God has spoken to my heart time and time again. Jonalee speaks very highly of you and I can see why.
In my own walk with the Lord, I am tested and challenged. Although our struggles very different, our God is the same unchanging God of love, grace and mercy.
It is with sensitivity and love for a fellow sister in Christ, that I share a recent post of mine. It's a hymn. I believe it may bring you some comfort. The words are powerful and true. I pray you are not offended by my "speaking up" finally. I realize your grief is fresh and your pain great. I only desire to express my gratitude for your love and devotion to Him. I can only begin to imagine how the Lord is and will continue to bless you and keep you as you honor your commitment to Him.
Here is the link:
In Our Father's love,
Lisa Shay