Returning Home

Over the past number of days we have been staying with the Lee family, who have so effectively cared for our bodies and souls and have extended the love of the Savior to us so well. We could not be more grateful. But today we are transitioning back to our home. 

If you think of it, please pray for us...for the Lord to strengthen and sustain us for this challenging day ahead. I am aware that the hardest days are probably yet to come. And although that is a difficult thought for me, I am seeking with all my heart to cling to Jesus and trust in His promised provision of grace for me.

Will and Alycia Irish  – (10:25 AM)  

Prayed for you today, friend.

Will and Sena  – (11:53 AM)  

We are praying for you today - that you would be amazed once again at our Father's sustaining grace.

Jessica  – (1:38 PM)  

I'm praying for you...

Matt  – (8:43 PM)  

Praying for you dear friends...

Lindsey Knott  – (11:46 PM)  

I prayed for you today as well Heather. I know we didn't get a chance to become close friends but you and Dave have been heavy on my heart. I wanted to encourage you to listen to a song by the David Crowder Band entitled "Never Let Go". It has ministered to my soul tremendously during trials and I felt compelled to share it with you. God will hold you very tightly during this season and He truly will "never let go".

I. Najarro  – (7:49 AM)  

Praying for the whole family. Love you guys!

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