Brandon and Annie Averill

If ever I have felt more inadequate to say thanks to people it has been the past few weeks. We have been so effectively cared for and served. I hope to highlight some of those people in the coming days and point out their sacrifices for us and evident love for the Savior.

Brandon and Annie

They are a couple in our care group who has demonstrated amazing care for us. About 2 weeks ago, when we came home, they started offering to come over and spend some evenings here with us. I think at one point they came 3 nights in a row, eating dinner with us, helping with the girls and cooking for us. Seeing that it helps us to have people here at night, they offered to come and stay a few nights...those few nights turned into a whole week. So, for the past week, they have stayed here and made our home their home. They have bought us food, cooked or us, gotten up early with the girls, cared for our souls, laughed with us, cried with us, and I could go on and on.

I have been drinking tea tons these days and last week I ruined my tea kettle. Annie happened to notice and came home the next day with a brand new one. They have come through the door in the evenings with bags of groceries. They spent Thanksgiving with us and were willing to give up all their plans to serve us. These are just a few of the ways they have blessed us. Today they left and it was very bittersweet. I know we will be going through Averill withdrawal for a number of days.

Brandon and Annie - I know my thanks will always seem inadequate to communicate my heart. But you both have gone above and beyond expectation. All I can think to say is that your care for us has expressed, in a tangible way, the love of the Savior and the reality of His promises, that He will provide for all of our needs. Having people here is a huge means of grace; the Lord knew and He provided. So grateful for you both!

Kelly  – (5:11 PM)  

Heather, thank you for the way you are finding the time to encourage others and give glory to God. It's wonderful to hear how the Lord is using others to pour out his specific love for you - and even more wonderful that you are receiving their care as the expression of His goodness. I'm praying for you & your family. -Kelly (with Rob and Dorothy)

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