Much needed baby update...

It's hard to believe the summer is just about over, let alone that I am due in less than a month. This has been the fastest summer for me EVER!! My good friend, Esther, just told me she learned recently that one of the absolute most stressful things in life is moving. I told her that I would put that side by side with having a baby....and well we're doing both back to back here. For the many of you I know how have done these 2 things even closer than I am - well, you have my deepest respect! Honestly, though, there has been much grace!

Ok, to the baby...I just had a sonogram and appointment yesterday and all looks good. The baby is very much a girl and looks great! I am just about 1 cm dilated, if that. I feel like one big braxton hick lately, with a tummy about as tight as baseball. But that's a good thing...getting some of the work done ahead of time. The baby is about 5 1/2 pounds right now and the sonogram tech said baby's gain a maximum of a 1/2 pound a week at this point, so she'll be the most around 7 1/2 pounds at birth. Personally, I think she'll probably weigh in around Selah's birth weight at 6 lbs. 13 oz....if my memory serves me correctly, she was around 5 1/2 this stage in the game. But we'll see.

I have learned this summer that I am not a very good multi-tasker. I focus on something and go full-throddle with it, and many other things get pushed to the back burner. For me, it's been the house lately. The pregnancy has me nesting like crazy! Since moving in, my focus has been on getting settled and getting things done in the house, although as I look around it often doesn't look like it ;o). We still have a ways to go, but are slowly making progress. So, hence, my neglect of this blog. But I am going to do my best to update more this month, as things get closer to my delivery. I also just got my camera back last week and am hoping to get some pictures up soon.

Michelle  – (2:01 PM)  

I'm glad for the update! Looking forward to meeting her! What about the name...Carly Castro?

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