Welcome June Elizabeth Lillian Plunnecke!

What a surprise! After 3 boys, my sister finally has a girl...and on her birthday no less. I got a call from Kel around 2am Saturday morning, asking me to come over cause she thought she might be in labor. I jumped in the shower, threw on the first clothes I could find and stumbled (literally) out the door (thinking, "purse, camera, phone"). With those items in hand, I raced over to Kels. They were getting ready to head out the door, as her doctor had called and said to go get checked out. I waited for Irma Najarro (you are a champ, Irma!) to arrive to stay with the boys and sent Mark and Kel on ahead. Once Irma arrived I took off and caught up with Mark and Kel (yes, I probably was going a tad too fast ;o).

Shortly after arriving, it was clear that Kelly was in labor, but labor progressed fairly slow, which was a surprise. After Ty's 3 hour labor, we were thinking she might not make it to the hospital the next time. She went ahead and got the epidural and I think she was glad she did. After much laboring (11 hours), she was ready to push and in only about 2 pushes, out came...a girl, to everyone's surprise! I screamed, mom screamed, "it's a girl!" What a moment! I'll never forget it. What a cutie she is! I think she looks just like Larsen.

For me, it was love at first sight. All I want to do is kiss her little chubby cheeks! How I love all my nephews with all my heart, but oh how I will love having a niece!

Jen  – (7:36 AM)  

I didn't believe Mark at first when he told me. I'm so glad god has blessed them with a girl. Don't get me wrong the Ploon boys are great.

C.  – (11:53 AM)  

Congrats, Heath. One niece down, another in December! Girls are so special. Tell Kelly I'm happy for her.

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