Pictures of Charleston

I know, I have not been the best at posting for the past few weeks and it has taken me forever to get some pictures posted. A little somebody around here has become very jealous of the computer and I bet you can't guess who that is? Yep, little Selah, also known around here as Gracie Grace, Dug Dug, Dug Wug, and Selah Welah. Anyway, if she is anywhere on the first floor, I am not apt to try to get on the computer. She'll just come up to me and it all goes down hill from there. And of course our little ones always want to be where mama is! But I love this little gift and love how cuddly she is.

So a week later and here I am attempting to finally get some pictures posted...and I am already on my 4th try first was at 8am this's now 9pm ;o)!!

Charleston really was gorgeous. I didn't realize how much history the little town holds and it was neat to gaze upon these beautiful homes that hold so many stories of years past. One church we walked past had a cemetery out back, where 2 signers of the Declaration of Independence were buried. Another home had around 3 or 4 stained glass windows, customed designed and installed by the Tiffany of NY, himself....and were worth around 1.5 million a piece! There were cobblestone streets and even smells of horses that brought you back hundreds of years! Dave and I took a carriage tour on Saturday evening during which we learned a good bit about some of the buildings and homes and the history of this town. I had so much fun taking pictures of this little quaint place...however, the pictures do not due it justice. If you ever have the chance to go, definitely go!

The following 3 pictures are a sample of typical streets in Charleston

Charleston is known for its wrought iron. It was and still is used everywhere as you can see below.

Another street

Looking out toward Fort Sumter, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired.
Our first night in Charleston, we ate at this restaurant. It was one of the best meals I have had in a long time! The food here was incredible!

Everywhere you looked there were nooks and crannies.

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