This is why I love being a mom

Right before naptime, I told Mckenna to go potty. As she was in the bathroom, I was trying to get some of the clean laundry put away. She was in there just chatting away. Then I notice that she is singing...I don't recognize the song, but I start to recognize the words. Ephesians 6:1 is one of her memory verses that we have been reviewing in the morning with her others. She had made up this cute little song and was singing this over and over:

"Jesus, help me to...obey your parents in the Lord, for thi-i-i-s i-i-i-is r-i-i-ight!"

It was so cute and we started to sing in together until I tucked her in for her nap.

I love being a mom!

Cooper Family  – (8:48 PM)  

I love those moments! They make the difficult ones seem not as difficult.

Looking forward to seeing you and your family next week.


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