Growing so fast

As a friend recently commented about a picture, I both love and do not love this shot. My love and my girlie, with their great smiles. But behind them is a similar picture of them both taken 2 years ago. My little girl is growing up way too fast. May the Lord help me to treasure and enjoy each and every day!

Joe Lee  – (2:51 PM)  

Mckenna is so pretty! I love your posts. I do have to say though that in the picture in the background, Dave looks like he's wearing lipstick..? (you can erase this comment)

Heather  – (6:58 PM)  

nothing like a good friend to tell ya how it is ;o) thanks, esther...i think!

Anonymous –   – (9:19 PM)  

life is best seen in the moment, that said however you captured it beautifully here. So much could be shown in this moment, this so rocks, you have a beautiful fam Heather.

On a side note, how do I go about emailing you or your sister. Other than this blog site I have not seen or heard of anyone since Mike's graduation. I want to know more about all of you. - X

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