New York

The past weeks have been quite busy and I'm behind on posting many events.

We got back a few days ago from New York. We spent just a few days up on the island with the Plunneckes and my mom. Our main reason for the trip was to attend my Grammy's burial. But we also got the chance to see a lot of family, many of whom we have not seen for years. So, it was a sad, but joyous time, being reunited with many we love. It was a packed few days, literally going from one thing to the next and from one hotel to the other, so we all came home quite exhausted...and with colds. The past few days have been spent resting and catching up a bit. I have not even gone through any of the pictures yet. In fact, many of the pictures, for some reason, are not uploading so I'll have to figure that out.

But for now, that's a little update!

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