50 Days of Heaven

I have wanted to get Randy Alcorn's book, Heaven, for some time now. I was a little apprehensive, given how hard it still is for me to read, but I just long to learn more about where my little girl is. So, I went into our church bookstore on Sunday and was searching for it. I didn't see it. I think they were out, but it just happened to be the Lord that they were. Instead I found Alcorn's book, 50 Days of Heaven. It's a book of 50 daily meditations of only few pages each, each exploring an aspect of Heaven - HOW PERFECT! My attention span continues to be very short and this is just what I needed....and I am loving it!

Mrs. Ellis  – (6:17 PM)  

What a blessing to see how God continues to give you His Amazing Grace for each new Day. Keep taking those baby steps, Heather. God is with you, and He is smiling!( I will continue to pray for you)

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