
Last night was has been harder, one of the hardest days yet. I often think that I just can't do this because the pain is so great. I read a quote that a friend sent and found comfort in it's words:

"What a mercy that you can never sink lower than grace! When you come to
your lowest point, God interposes. The tide turns when you reach the full
ebb. The darkest part of night is farthest from the rising of sun.
Believer, be of good courage." Spurgeon

Brandy  – (6:28 PM)  

So sorry for your pain. Grateful the Lord with you in the midst of your pain. Praying for you all.

Carmen  – (12:22 AM)  

Oh dearest one. The journey is jagged. I am glad that the Good Shepherd is walking with you, just as He promised. He knows. He really is the only one who knows, and He is faithful. Just asking that He will enfold you, and that as you lean on Him, He will support you.

Love you,

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