Covered from head to toe...

This happened a few weeks ago, the very first day I was on my own, after Alivia was born. All was going fairly well, but I was tired...I had just put Alivia down for a nap and went outside to gather up the rest of the troops for their nap. They had been outside for most of the morning, enjoying the beautiful fall weather, drawing with chalk and even having their lunch outside. I thought they were finishing up drawing some pictures with chalk. However, when I went outside, I was greeted by 2 little girls who were covered from head to toe (literally!) with chalk dust. Mckenna had taken a few large pieces of chalk and grated them down to fine dust, using some of her play kitchen tools. Then then they had taken the dust and coated their faces, clothes, hair, everything! They looked like ghosts. So much for a nap for me as a serious bath was in order for both of them. The pictures do not quite capture how they actually looked, but here is a glimpse...

Mckenna starting to melt-down...notice the tear tracks on her cheeks!

C.  – (4:36 PM)  

Hahaha... they look like Aborigines.

Cooper Family  – (9:05 PM)  

Oh my!!! THat is too much! Never fails - always at the most crazy times!

So glad you thought to take photos of them - that will be quite a memory that you captured.

Can't wait to see the new little!

Michelle  – (9:09 AM)  

Wow! So this is what they looked like. I really admire you.

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