What really matters
The quote I posted recently has been continuing to impact my thoughts as of late. Just this morning in my devotions, the Lord has been building on it and reminding me of truths I know are true, but that I often do not live in the good of. I am currently studying the book of Ephesians in my devotions (highly recommend this commentary) and this morning was reading about Paul's emphasis on God's peace through grace being worked out in our lives and the importance of the church and relationships. How easily I forget that relationships, people, are what are most important in this life. My default and too often my life speaks that "things" are. All to often my mind is filled with all the "things" I need to do, the "things" I need to know, the "things" (emails) I need to respond to, the "things" I need to buy...and the list could go on and on. If I spend a morning away from the home, to fellowship with a friend and let my girlies play with other kids, I can be discouraged as I come home and see what "didn't get done" that morning and my list of "things to do" piling up. What I forget is what "did get done:" I spent my morning investing in a person's life, having them invest in mine and serving my children. How I desire to be a person who is less selfishly focused and instead looking to others (my husband, children, friends, people we're reaching out to, and the church) and consumed with how I can serve them, pray for them, think of them, and love them. It's only by the gospel and God's work of peace through grace in my life that can accomplish this. I'm so grateful for these reminders to help me see afresh... what really matters!
Great post Heather. I am always grateful to read your blog and your humble thoughts. I am also grateful for any investing you do in my life.
Thanks for this post Heather! This is such a great reminder of what really matters. It was so refreshing to read this after a busy weekend.