Provoking perspective

This is a great quote that I read this morning in John Stott's book on Ephesians. He was commenting on Paul's example:

"At this point it may be wise to pause a moment and consider how much all of us need to develop Paul's broad perspective. Let me remind you that he was prisoner in Rome. Not indeed in a cell or dungeon, but still under house arrest and handcuffed to a Roman soldier. Yet, though his wrist was chained and his body was confined, his heart and mind inhabited eternity. He peered back 'before the foundation of the world' (ch. 1:4) and on to 'the fullness of time' (1:10), and grasped hold of what 'we have' now (1:7) and ought to 'be' now (1:4) in light of those two eternities. As for us, how blinkered is our vision in comparison with his, how small is our mind, how narrow are our horizons! Easily and naturally we slip into a preoccupation with our own petty little affairs. But we need to see time in the light of eternity, and our present privileges and obligations in the light of our past election and future perfection. Then, if we shared the apostle's perspective, we would also share his praise. For doctrine leads to doxology as well as to duty. Life would become worship, and we would bless God constantly for having blessed us so richly in Christ."

Will and Alycia Irish  – (10:53 AM)  

Hey Heather! I'm really enjoying these quotes from this commentary...did you buy it at the CLC bookstore? I'd love to know.


Heather  – (7:13 AM)  

Dave bought it for me online. He got it from CBD, but I think it's even cheaper on Amazon. Thanks, Alycia!

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